Time | Owner(s) | Notes |
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5min | Deadlines | Upcoming Deadlines - Sprint 12 ends 10/06/2017
- Oct. 15th finish prototypes and final design small sensors
- Waiting on final ADC choice - Choice made, Daniel proceeding forward with it.
- PCB for small sensors quotes being generated as of 10/10/2017
- Then work on ADC for large sensors once all components for small sensors have been ordered
- Goal is to get STEM students building small sensors at the beginning of November, large sensors beginning of January
- Krulick, Daniel (CGI Federal) sent BOM list for small sensors, will send for large sensor boxes when ready
- July-Early. Nov., purchasing for devices
- Early. Nov. through end of Nov. begin build process of devices with ULL/David Thibodaux students
- About 10 boxes to be prepared First week of Nov. - Krulick, Daniel (CGI Federal) is working on it.
- These will be deployed at LDEQ (to be be calibrated , compared to the regulatory sensors)
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| | Status update: - LEARN-216: design small board
- LEARN-221: order small board samples
Ordered - estimated arrival 9/25- Ordered - estimated arrival 10/13 or 10/16
- LEARN-244: I2C analog to digital converter
- In progress
- negative when connected to ground
| | Status update: Oct. 17 Science on the Bayou, 6:30-8pm, Jefferson Street Pub downtown. |
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| Chepudira, Karthik (CGI Federal) | Completed - AQI POC - Completed
- As per initial discussion, an API to derive AQI Hourly index (8 hour) will be developed as a a derived product on top of Sensor things api
- The API will also allow pulling of historical AQI data
- Initial design will focus on standing up of an MVP to facilitate integration into dashboard.
- Having a working version of the AQI will facilitate a focus group meeting to engage SME's for best practice discussion of AQI design
- Simulation of 240 sensors on dev dashboard - http://learn-app-dev.azurewebsites.net/#/pages/livestream
- Deploye AQI POC to azure
- Working issues with the web app deployment - Resolved
Issues with deploying python based apps onto azure's scalable app service platform - Resolved
- A joint session with Matkin, Benjamin K (CGI Federal) (may be Miles, Brian (CGI Federal) ) is planned - completed
- Potentially reach out to Microsoft for support - Did not need to.
- Deploy 250 sensors to paid ($50 /month) IotHub , pending LaBar, William (CGI Federal) 's approval
- Test django app service to azure
- Incorporate data analysis ideas from the SCAQMD conference in future sprints.
| | Status update:
- GitHub integration with Confluence
- Logic has been added to use the page with title "index" for the index page
- Index page has been stubbed out and can be edited in Confluence
- Image optimization has be completed
- Updated AgileIQ to GitHub Bridge (A2GB) link and history
In Progress: |
| | Recently Completed Ongoing - AQI live stream visualization (LEARN-230)
- Transfer AQI services from AirNowAPI to Chepudira, Karthik (CGI Federal)'s new AQI API
- Decommission Sensorthings API (LEARN-251)
- Update Prod API to use local devices.sql of JAR (LEARN-247)
- On Hold
- Deployment pipeline for Dev Dashboard
- Now have Bamboo build. Requesting NPM agent to build dist
Focus Group |