Time | Item | Owner(s) | Notes |
| Administrative | | |
5min | Review Deadlines | | Upcoming Deadlines - Sprint completion 5/30/2017
- June 12th finish prototypes and final design
- Early August, purchasing for devices
- Early September begin build process of devices with ULL students
| O&M | | Status update: - Both sensors are still going since May 18, 2017.
- Development Environment spin up (LEARN-114)
- Spoke with GoDaddy and they did not have a path forward with Azure's SSL Cert authentication. Azure support is still assisting with solution.
- Alternative solution is Azure App Service- instead of a VM, it is specifically for hosting web apps. It comes bundled with SSL.
- https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/
- Cons: less control of environment, another item to configure while we have good technical knowledge of Ubuntu VMs
- Pros: Part of Azure ecosystem, designed to be web application, which allows other features down the road if we need them (SSL included, daily backups, continuous deployment, scalability)
- Need to find out how CGI buys SSL certs.
- Cassandra 3 open Ports in Prod (LEARN-107)
- Cassandra Dev Nodes (LEARN-114)
- Deleted Cassandra Dev Nodes
- We have deployable template when more Cass 3 nodes are needed
- Dev Cass 3 nodes are only required for architecture development/ stress testing. Doesn't make sense to have Dev Cluster always running.
- Discussed with Miles, Brian (CGI Federal)- we will create a Dev keyspace in our Prod Cass cluster.
- API version 0.4.0 deployed
- Fixed (de)serialization of observation results to support proper data types (e.g. observations are now doubles instead of strings)
- Updated result data storage model to use more appropriate types for observations instead of storing everything as a string (this change will save on storage costs)
- Observation creation updates finished
- No longer need to specific feature of interest ID when creating observations
- No longer need to specify phenomenon time when creating individual observations
- Datastream observed area is now properly updated (needed to support mobile sensors)
| Hardware | | Status update: - Mobile sensor plans (Alghamdi, Taghreed (LEARN))
- Hardware orders put in:
- Low-cost PM sensors, 4 ordered from DF Robot
- Amazon says they should arrive May 9-12, but vendor says not available to ship yet
- Aeroqual higher quality O3 sensors, 6 total ordered
- Approved 5/8/2017, Payment will be cut 5/8-5/9.
- Alphasense higher quality PM sensors, 5 ordered
- Approved 5/8/2017, Payment will be cut 5/8-5/9.
- Temperature/Humidity/Pressure sensor
- TODO COB 5/19:
- Inventory Management
- Need to develop an inventory management system to track how many of each asset we have, where the assets are, and what sensors each asset are deployed
| Firmware and device management | | Status update: - Comeaux, Justin M (CGI Federal) and Krulick, Daniel (CGI Federal) are meeting to talk about how to read data from new sensors
- Finished code for Temp, Pressure, and Humidity, and Temp. and Humidity sensors
- Began code for DF Robot PM2.5 sensor
- Meeting 5/31/2017 to work on further sensors
- Documentation of sensor deployment
- Will document disabling of Wifi and Bluetooth
- Updated firmware networking code to support changes in API version 0.4.0
| API | | Status update: - Service-driven paging
- This is substantially more work than initially anticipated, but I have found a sane way forward and am making progress. Will finish during the next sprint
| Visualization and Use Cases | | Status update: - Reached out to Carlee to schedule a visit to review data/data sets that are available
- Using the Thingsboard.io application as a basis for dashboard prototyping
- Awaiting traffic data from LCG - current LA DOTD data is only done annually, or every 3-5 years
- Can also talk with Monique Boulet at the MPO
- Use cases:
- Added details to use cases
- Began wire framing/prototypes of dashboards to support specific use cases.
- Will e-mail LCG re. data access tomorrow/Wed.
- Visualization
- LEaRN website
- We need to develop, by July 1st, a LEaRN website, hosted on Azure, that serves as a landing page to the project
- Need to register a domain name
- Set up a web server is Azure
- Add content from proposal as a project description section.
- Links to:
- Dashboard
- Source code
- Agile IQ
- etc.
- Matkin, Benjamin K (CGI Federal) will work on this for the next sprint
| Architecture | Chepudira, Karthik (CGI Federal) | Updated the architecture blog Created a POC for Thingsboard dashboard Looked into RabitMQ, Mosquitto, EMQTT Chepudira, Karthik (CGI Federal) and Miles, Brian (CGI Federal) now have Azure credentials(!) Used personal azure to test out Azure Iot Hub |
| Review Scrum Board | | |