Time | Item | Owner(s) | Notes |
| Hardware | | - MQ131 O3 sensor is sending data to Raspberry Pi
- Comeaux, Justin M (CGI Federal) is working to write code to convert output voltage to ppm of gasses
- Should be done by Thursday 3/23
- Krulick, Daniel (CGI Federal) is working on laying out the perf board for deployment in the field
- Prototype perf board with components soldered on should be done by Wed. morning
- Other items
- After one month of deployment, we would like to retrieve initial sensors to evaluate hardware performance and adjust our design before mass producing
- Right now we are using 12V from POE because we are anticipating using the Aeroqual sensors, which require at least 11V. In the future, for sensing units that do not use the Aeroqual, we can use a 5V POE to avoid having to use a regulator to produce the 5V needed by the Raspberry Pi and other sensors besides the Aeroqual.
| Cloud Hosted Database and API | | - 2-node Cassandra cluster has been set up in Azure
- Working to connect SensorThings API running on VM in Azure to the Cassandra cluster
- Should be finished by Wed. morning
| API | | - Defined data model for Observations
- Starting to write services and REST resources to allow simple CRUD of Observations.
- This will be finished before Thursday morning
| Other | | |