| Hardware (Sensor, Servers, POC Assembly, Deployment Strategy) | | - Prototype platform status
- Next round of sensors have been ordered, have arrived
- We are writing code to read data off of the sensors as we speak
- TODO: Need to detail sensor calibration protocol
- Ron Evans (EPA), Christin Benedict (EPA) are available as technical experts for calibration
- Prototype sensor status – health and monitoring
- Continue to working well without downtime since most recent code changes
- UL Student Participation Plan Discussion
- Updates on time frame for student hardware and assembly
- Plan for final design of hardware for July 21, 2017
- Notes from Gretchen L Vanicor (LA.edu)
- Elgazzar, Dr. Khalid (LEARN)is out of town for a few weeks, so a face-to-face meeting is not an option this week or next. He did however offer to meet over Skype to discuss students assembling the sensors.
- May need to reach out to other faculty (e.g. computer engineering)
- May be able to work with students from David Thibodeaux STEM academy
- LCG, LUS Fiber and Network/Hardware Planning update
- Future Sensor Deployments
- Status updates on UL Research Input to help guide deployment intersection locations – Dr. Whitney Broussard, Dr. Yanica Visser ( committed to advise graduate students to help with selecting locations)
- Notes from Gretchen L Vanicor (LA.edu):
- I am casting a wider net. My initial concerns were confirmed by several of our Geosciences (Dr. Whitney Broussard and Dr. Yenneke Visser) and Chemistry (Dr. Feebee Louka) researchers/professors. Their research here is primarily focused on water quality and pollution.
While they do not have real need for their own research purposes, they have offered the following advice: From Dr. Louka Feebee in Environmental Chemistry - "Areas around schools and some of the day care locations, and areas around hospitals and any manufacturing areas." From Dr. Whitney Broussard in Geosciences - "I would suggest that there be locations in rural areas in all directions around Lafayette metro. These could be used as baseline information of ambient conditions. I would also suggest locations that as evenly distributed as possible with some locations based on potential pollution sources....I mentioned earlier that a GIS student could run a spatial analysis on the dataset once it’s complete. This will be a perfect scenario for an interpolation analysis to generate a 2D layer of air quality based on a well-distributed network of data associated with individual points." - Gretchen L Vanicor (LA.edu) is working on a list of potential locations based on advice from Dean Jaffey(sp?)
- e.g. locate at Daycares and Hospitals; Cajun Field bus stops (where buses idle); place in remote UL properties, e.g. ecology center, Crowley Energy Research Center (near rice and soybean fields), St. Martinville
- Will produce a spreadsheet and/or Google map
- Status updates on Coordination of sensor deployments with LDEQ/USGS
- Status updates on Time frames / Quantities for upcoming future deployments
- Status Update Mobile Sensors
- Update status on Water sensors brainstorming
- Delcambre, Matthew (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Miles, Brian (CGI Federal) continued to meet with UL researchers (Beth Stauffer, Ed Theriot, Emad Habib, Taylor Sloey, Whitney Broussard, and others) and LCG (Warren G. Abadie (Lafayette LA), Bess Foret) to discuss flooding/drainage applications
- The group created a 2-page pilot project proposal
- The group is exploring seed funding for the pilot
- Delcambre, Matthew (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) talked with US Ignite about $$$ for more sensors. May be able to write a grant for $10k.
- Could be used for both air or water sensors
- Use a different name for the water project?
- May be more $$ avail for development work as well.
- Waiting to hear about whether US Ignite will allow a waiver for these funds to purchase hardware (the funds are meant for software development)
- US Ignite should have an official announcement at the June ~25thish Application Summit in Austin
- The group will meet again mid June to design a pilot study in the Coulee Mine sub-watershed.
- Health Cases Update (Ridgeway, Terysa (CGI))
- LCG Data Access
| Partner Outreach | | - LEaRN website
- Need to decide on a hostname:
- Michelin Movin'On Conference in Montréal (June 13-15)
- US Ignite Application Summit in Austin (June 25th-28th)
- Upcoming EPA Brown bag (July 18th), monthly air sensor session / 20-30 participants across ORD, OAR, OECA, and Regions
- Has not been scheduled yet.
- Something may be planned in June.
- EPA is trying to coord. with B'more
- LaBar, William (CGI Federal) will check with EPA.
- CPEX (Center for Planning Excellence, LA-based non-profit) Smart Growth Conference November 2017