Time | Item | Owner(s) | Notes |
| Administrative | | |
5min | Review Deadlines | | Upcoming Deadlines - Sprint completion 6/29/2017
- July 21st finish prototypes and final design
- Early August, purchasing for devices
- Early September begin build process of devices with ULL students
| O&M | | Status update: - LEaRN Wordpress site
- Updated site is live at learnlafayette.com
- We need to start thinking when and where we would deploy our next sensor prototypes, and what sensors those prototypes will include.
- SSL Certificate/ Custom domain practices via Azure
- Responded to role query from Microsoft- no solution yet for inability to create SSL cert.
- Sensor boxes stopped transmitting: June 23, 2017 10:30 A.M.
| Hardware | | Status update: - Hardware status:
- Low-cost PM sensors, 4 ordered from DF Robot
- Alphasense higher quality PM sensors, 5 ordered
- Communicating, but not sure if correctly
- Case
- Order sent for 10 small boxes and 10 large boxes
- Power IC (LMR24630) - test set
- Ordered 5 - waiting for shipping confirmation
- Box for IoT conference
- built and being demonstrated
- Inventory Management
| Firmware and device management | | Status update: - Finish with testing (possible code enhancements) for DFRobot PM2.5 sensor and high-end sensors with Krulick, Daniel (CGI Federal). (06/27/2017)
- Start integrating new sensor code in the sample.py file.
| API | | Status update: - Continuing work on LEARN-106: Cascade on deletion
- Hopefully will finish during this sprint, but travel and PM are slowing me down.
| Visualization and Use Cases | | Status update: - Ridgeway, Terysa (CGI) reached out to Carlee to schedule a visit to review data/data sets that are available
- Using the Thingsboard.io application as a basis for dashboard prototyping
- Awaiting traffic data from LCG - current LA DOTD data is only done annually, or every 3-5 years
- Can also talk with Monique Boulet at the MPO
- Use cases:
- Added details to use cases
- Began wire framing/prototypes of dashboards to support specific use cases.
- Will e-mail LCG re. data access tomorrow/Wed.
- Visualization
- Dashboard
- Updating site by 6/27 with updated dashboard design reflected in Dash tickets.
| Architecture & Analytics | Chepudira, Karthik (CGI Federal) | - Assisted with deploying API and dashboard to Azure app service for production.
- Researched baseline design for analytics for the sensor data centered around anomaly detection.
| Review Scrum Board | | |