LEaRN The Lafayette Engagement and Research Network

2017-03-07 LEaRN LDEQ-EPA Region 6 Sensor collocating

Original CGI Document




SubjectDiscuss collocating LEaRN sensors at the LDEQ site at USGS in LFT
Project NameLEaRM
Meeting DateMar 07, 2017
ChairpersonCindy Parker (EPA)
Dial-in Info 
Time / Location 



Cindy Parker (EPA Region 6) (parker.cindy@epa.gov)
Bob Bailey (LDEQ) (


Miles, Brian (CGI Federal)
Mike Miller (EPA) (


Fran Verhalen (EPA; Cindy's boss)



Discussion Items

Project introduction
 Collocation discussionAll
  • Bob Bailey (LDEQ) indicated that LDEQ is interested in allowing our sensors to be mounted on a pole (provided by the LEaRN project) attached to the platform that currently hosts LDEQ's PM2.5 sensors.  LDEQ can provide power, with LEaRN providing networking.
  • Mike Miller (EPA) offered his assistance to help us understand the uncertainty of low-quality sensors we propose to deploy.  He also suggested that because of this variability we should consider co-locating many sensors at the reference LDEQ station to help quantify variability.  Mike also cautioned that the high uncertainty of these sensors can make the data difficult to interpret, and so care should be taken in how best to communicate the results to general audiences.  Mike offered to help with this.

  • Cindy is also curious to know how Baltimore is planning to do outreach around data interpretation. 



Action items

Date Assigned 


Due Date

Completion Date Notes 
3/7/2017Bob will work with LDEQ to determine what kind of access agreement/MOU would be required.  Bob will coordinate with the site manager James (Troy) Fontenot (LDEQ) so that he is in the loop.Bob Bailey (LDEQ) 

To help us communicate data to general audiences, Cindy will send results from a community air study conducted in EPA Region 9.  The conductors of the study did a lot of community outreach, which helped.

Cindy Parker (EPA)   
3/7/2017Coordinate with LEaRN team to talk with Baltimore about how they are planning to do outreach LEARN-45 - Getting issue details... STATUS    

Brian will forward the specifications of the Ozone sensors we are planning to use (as requested by Mike Miller; see below).




We are planning to use the OZU/UZ and OZL/LZ models; the OZG/GZ is a wider-band sensor (far beyond O3 standards) that has lower precision and higher uncertainty that the former, so we decided against it.  Please ask Mike let us know if this was a reasonable decision.

Risks and Issues

Risk or Issue

Date Identified 


DescriptionOwner(s)Follow-up DateNotes 
  •  Notes for this item