LEaRN The Lafayette Engagement and Research Network

2017-03-09 LEaRN LUS Network Deployment Meeting

Original CGI Document




SubjectLUS Network Deployment
Project NameLEaRN
Meeting DateMar 09, 2017

Teles Fremin (LUS)

Dial-in Info 
Time / Location 



Discussion Items

30 minDiscuss possibility of terminating private sensor network at UL (e.g. LITE center)Brian Miles / Ben Blundell
  • UL Has a "science DMZ" that can perhaps be extended to LITE to allow the private sensor network hosted by LUS to be terminated at the LITE center.
    • There may be servers in LITE that we can use for temporary data cluster hosting, or long term for hosting the sensor gateway
    • It may also be possible use compute resources from the GENIE rack in Stevens Hall
    • Ben will talk with Matt Delcambre to coordinate with US Ignite on possible GENIE usage
  • Until LUS private network can be set up and coordinated with UL, sensors will use LCG Traffic's existing private network
    • Initially, data from sensors will be sent directly to SensorThings API hosted in the cloud
  • Once private sensor network has been established and network has been terminated at UL facility, sensors will only talk to SensorThings Gateway on private network; Gateway will forward data to data cluster hosted in the cloud
10 minDiscuss Power Over Ethernet
  • LCG (Traffic) will supply POE switch


10 minDiscuss sensors on cellular modems being able to access sensor gateway
  • LEaRN sensors located at the LDEQ air quality station on the Lafayette USGS site may need to be connected to the sensor network via cellular modems (because there is no obvious LUS connection point nearby)
    • If so, a VPN server will be needed to tunnel traffic from the cellular-connected sensors onto the private LEaRN sensor network
  • Ben Blundell (UL) noted that it may be possible for him to extend a point-to-point wireless network between the USGS building and the sensors.
    • Ben has a switch that is slated to be installed in the USGS building
    • Brian and Ben will explore how to move forward with this route long term as it is preferable to using cellular for these sensors.


First phase of LEaRN sensor deployment (March-May 2017 est.) will rely on existing LCG traffic network, with back end API hosted in the cloud
Second phase of sensor deployment (May 2017-project end) will use a private IP network terminated at LITE, with gateway server(s) hosted at LITE; Gateways will receive data from sensors and will publish to data cluster hosted in the cloud 

Action items

Date Assigned 


Due Date

Completion Date Notes 
3/10/2017Write up description of short term and long term plans for collecting sensor data (i.e. these meeting notes)3/15/20173/15/2017

Ben Blundell and Miles, Brian (CGI Federal) will discuss how to move forward with deployment of network and provision of servers at UL/LITE




3/15/2017Coordinate POE power requirements with LUS LEARN-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS .3/17/2017  


Risks and Issues

Risk or Issue

Date Identified 


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